Akin Community Consolidated School District #91

Agenda May 20, 2019

Veteran's Day Salute!
Student Handbook
Breakfast/Lunch Menu
Calendar of Events
Computer Use Policy
Board of Education
Board of Education Agendas and Minutes
District Budget
Akin Computer Inventory
Homework Hotline
.Teacher Links
IAR Assessment
Homeless Children Instruction


Akin, Illinois

May 20, 2019




6:00 p.m.


1.                   Call to Order


2.                   Roll Call


3.                   Audience Participation (Limited to 10 minutes total, unless extended by the Board)


4.                   Executive Session:  For the purpose of considering information regarding the appointment, evaluation, performance, employment and/or dismissal of personnel, Collective Bargaining, legal issues and student disciplinary actions.


5.                   Consent Agenda

a.       Approval of Minutes

b.       Payment of Bills

c.        Approval of Treasurer’s Report/Activity Fund


6.                   Old Business

a.       Motion to act on the following coaches for the 2019-2020 School year:

                                                               i.      Head Basketball Coach-

                                                              ii.      Assistant Basketball Coach-

                                                            iii.      Head Volleyball Coach-

                                                            iv.      Assistant Volleyball Coach-

                                                             v.      Cheerleading/Dance Coach-

                                                            vi.      Assistant Cheerleading/Dance Coach-

                                                          vii.      Head Track Coach-

                                                         viii.      Assistant Track Coach-

                                                            ix.      Athletic Director-

                                                             x.      Scholar Bowl Sponsor -


7.                   New Business

a.       Approve audit contract for 2019 s school audit.

b.       Approve 2019-20 School Calendar

c.        Approve Certified Substitute Teacher Daily Rates for the 2019-2020 school year.


8.                   Superintendent/Principal Reports

a.       Summer Maintenance

b.       Summer Projects/Needs

c.        Roof Update

d.       Floor Update

e.        Co-op agreement has been approved.

f.        Other timely information


9.                   Other Board Items


10.                Upcoming Events



11.                Adjournment-Next meeting:  June 24, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.


Location of Meeting:          Akin Grade School Computer Lab, 21962 Akin Blacktop, Akin, IL  62890

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